The concept of Industry 4.0 expresses the idea that the world is in the antecedents of what could be called the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that is, at a date close to an important milestone in industrial development, which justifies saying that a new phase or a new stage.
After the development of the steam engine and mechanization (second half of the 18th century), after the development of electricity for domestic and industrial purposes (end of the 19th century), and after automation (20th century), this stage of industrial transformation will very possibly be based on the so-called smart factory, characterized by the interconnection of machines and systems in the production site itself, and characterized by a fluid exchange of information with the outside world (with the level of supply and demand of the markets, and/or with customers, and/or competitors, and/or with other smart factories, etc.).
VEGENAT, S.A is a productive industrial company dedicated to the processing and conservation of dehydrated products, specifically onions, citrus fruits, anchovies and olives. The company has a strategy and a plan for transformation and adaptation to Industry 4.0, which arise from its interest in 2018, to start its digital transformation in accordance with the provisions of its strategy, adhering to the initiatives launched by the General Directorate of Company of the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of the Junta de Extremadura.

The impacts of Industry 4.0 can be felt at multiple levels: in large ecosystems at the organizational level, and in employees and customers at the individual level:
- Ecosystems. In addition to the change in which companies operate and in the production of goods, Industry 4.0 affects all agents in the ecosystem (suppliers, customers, regulatory considerations, investors, third parties…). These technologies allow interactions between each point of a network.
- Organizations. The ability to adjust and learn from data in real time can make organizations more responsive, proactive and predictive. It also allows the organization to reduce its productivity risks.
- Individuals. Industry 4.0 can mean different things to everyone. For example, for employees it might mean a change in the work they do, while for customers it might mean more customization of products and services that better meet their needs.
The new concept of Industry 4.0 associated with the fourth industrial revolution and Cyber-Physical Systems is expected to be able to drive fundamental changes at the same level as the three preceding revolutions. What is clear is that both small and medium-sized or large companies like Vegenat have to become aware that the digital transformation of their production plants and other areas of their business is necessary if they do not want to be left behind in the race. towards the fourth industrial revolution that has only just begun and which still has a long way to go.